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Subject:  Ice man

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wv melonman

Watervalley Ms

on the july 18 post of the 255 theirs a huge unusal vine starting to grow off another vine. I was wondering are you useing some kind of growth hormone and what kind?

9/14/2011 8:50:37 PM

Ice Man

Garner, NC

Dog gone, my secret is out. Lol I think it's just where I throw the vines back into the the bed and then I go though about once a week and deadhead the entire area. However I do use lots of natural growth hormones like kelp, and extreme blend from extreme pumpkin store. Tom is the bomb!

9/14/2011 9:37:54 PM

wv melonman

Watervalley Ms

Hey Ice man you know we don't keep secrets, or do we? I have used the fish/seaweed help grow the 217 45 inch's long but didn't trim vines if I had the vine probably would have done something similar. Have you seen any bad efects of what you are useing. Thanks Jerry

9/15/2011 8:24:47 AM

Ice Man

Garner, NC

Hey Jerry, no bad effects what so ever, but like any product it comes down to how it it used. To much of any thing is not good and can have ill effects. As far as trimming vines I just whack'm back, vines leaves runners, doesn't matter to me. If it crosses the line it gets cut.

9/15/2011 9:22:38 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Well If I ever come to visit,I will make sure I dont cross the line Todd.

9/15/2011 9:39:15 PM

Dewight B.


Ha ha, don't cross the line, he'll cut ya...

9/15/2011 9:46:49 PM


Bowdon, GA

Never had any ill effects from kelp either unless I went more than recommended. When I used too much the new leaves started looking funny.

9/15/2011 10:52:24 PM

Total Posts: 7 Current Server Time: 3/11/2025 1:10:39 AM
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