Seed Auctions/Raffles
Subject: BHGPG raffle winners
Date Posted
matt-man |
Rapid City, SD
Thanks everyone for your support.....our fund raising goal was reached and surpassed winner Lot 1....AG MMD (rick workman)....1221 Daletas, 1521 Daletas, 1778.5 Daletas,
winner Lot 2.... Gene McMullin.....1521 Daletas, 1531.5 Daletas, 1799.5 Daletas
winner Lot 3....cntryboy.....1676.5 Daletas, 1788.5 Daletas
winner Lot 4...Jules....long gourds
winner Lot 5....Slicer....feild pumpkins
winner Lot 6...curtlave....greenie lot...566 Winey*, 634 Vunak*, 908 Horton*, 1013 Wells*, 1114 Horton*, 1132 Vincent/McGill*, 1236 Vincent/McGill*, 1246.2 Vincent/McGill*
winner Lot 7...curtlave...617 Young, 627.5 Young, 840 Young, 850 Stucker, 950.5 Young, 960.5 Gansert, 963.5 Gansert, 1126 Gansert
winner lot 6
2/4/2014 9:47:01 PM
matt-man |
Rapid City, SD
winner lot 8...James Carson...777 Young
winner Lot 9...zepfan(Gary)....993.2 Vincent/McGill
winner lot 10...marley...1059 Vincent/McGill
winner lot 11...pgs(Ashton)...mellon lot
winner Lot 12...Ralph...matters
winner Lot 13...JABritishColumbia... 275 VanHook, 490 Beachy, 500 Wallace, 511 Zaychkowsky, 845 Nesbitt, 686 Bechard, 901 Hebb, 1097 Beachy
winner Lot 14...cntryboy.....1140 Finders
winner Lot 15...cntryboy.....1375.5 Sherwood, 1459.5 Sherwood, 1552.5 Sherwood
winner Lot 16.....Bill Foss....Lot 16……Lift it SAFE…..27” lifting ring built by no see lee from bp https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?v=676778802334228&set=vb.280522871959825&type=2&theater
2/4/2014 9:57:17 PM
matt-man |
Rapid City, SD
winner Lot 17....pumpkin carver....2009 Wallace
winner Lot 18...cntryboy...900 Young, 915 Young, 1133 Young, 1146.5 Young, 1168 Young, 1205.5 Young, 1207 Young, 1622 Young
winner Lot 19...Gordan Ellis...1874.5 Mathison
winner Lot 20...Daniel Kruszyna...1894 mathison
winner Lot 21...rick.j....2032 Mathison
winner Lot 22...Ivan Bartoli...1216.5 DeBacco, 1064.5 DeBacco, 1766.5 DeBacco
winner Lot 23...bcbf(Gary)...1649 Lancaster, 1746.5 Lancaster, 1756 Lancaster
winner Lot 24...Darren C....….225 Wolf, 852 Wolf, 1052 Wolf, 1406 Wolf, 1436.3 Wolf
2/4/2014 10:07:10 PM
matt-man |
Rapid City, SD
winner Lot 25....cntryboy...610 Menting, 1004 Menting, 1526 Menting, 1623 Menting
winner Lot 26...Sparcmat....1399 Fulk
winner Lot 27...open......no tickets sold
winner Lot 28...Blase Biga....1744.5 Fulk
winner Lot 29...scott west....1495 Stelts
winner Lot 30...curtlave....1254.5 Werner, 1283.5 Werner, 1331 Werner, 1383.5 Werner, 1491.5 Werner
winner Lot 31...Rick A....1446 Steil, 1734.5 Steil
hope everyone had as much fun as i did........congrats to all.......and again......BIG THANKS!!!....Grow em BIG!!!!
2/4/2014 10:13:58 PM
pumpkin carver |
Griffith, In
Awesome,,,thanks so much!!!!
2/5/2014 3:22:58 AM
Orange with Envy |
Claysburg , PA
Finally got a 777 young . Gonna have to change my lineup again .. Thanks Matt
2/5/2014 6:04:36 AM
curtlave (team extreme) |
Sourthern Utah
thanks matt
2/5/2014 7:24:31 PM
Just Bill |
Bottom of ohio
Great time matt
2/5/2014 7:25:01 PM
Ralph |
Vernal, Ut
thanks Matt it was great
2/5/2014 10:20:10 PM
Rick A |
Thanks Matt
2/6/2014 6:19:21 AM
matt-man |
Rapid City, SD
sent out most of the winner lots today
thanks all and good luck!
grow em BIG!!!
2/10/2014 2:15:26 PM
Total Posts: 11 |
Current Server Time: 3/11/2025 1:11:26 AM |