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Subject:  Lot 13 – Hunt (Dutch silent auction)

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Dutch Brad


Dutch Giant Vegetable Championship Silent Auction.

The Dutch hold their annual giant veg championship on the first Saturday of October. It’s a family affair with free food and drinks for everybody. This auction is their only source of income.

This auction is in US dollars. Increments of $5. We accept PayPal from non-Euro buyers and bank transfers from Europeans. We cannot accept money orders or cheques. They don’t work here.

The auction ends on Friday, January 24, 2014 at 9 p.m. New York time (message board time).

Lot 13 – Hunt
Jane and Phil Hunt placed second in the 2012 Master Growers Challenge.
Here is a selection of their seeds, including the extremely limited 1233*.
1 - 1233 Hunt 13* Squash (996 Haist x self)
1 - 1545 Hunt 13 AGP (1495 Stelts x 1789 Wallace)
1 - 1472 Hunt 13 AGP (1381 Delaney x 1789 Wallace)
2 - 123 Hunt 13 Long Gourd (116 Martin x 116 Wright)
5 - 5.22 Hunt 13 BZ Tomato (5.5 Johnson/Butler BZ x open)
5 - 4.25 Hunt 13 BZ Tomato (5.0 Timm x open)
5 - 126 Watermelon 13 (255 Mitchell x 199 Mudd)
2 - 97 Hunt 13 Field Pumpkin (103 MacKinnon x 209 Werner)

1/18/2014 4:08:22 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters


1/18/2014 8:07:46 AM

curtlave (team extreme)

Sourthern Utah

Brad e-mail me,, curtlave@hotmail.com, curious about payment options,, before auction is over,, please,, thank curt

1/19/2014 5:34:06 PM

Dutch Brad


We accept PayPal from non-Euro buyers and bank transfers from Europeans. We cannot accept money orders or cheques. They don’t work here.
Cash will work as well, but it costs us $4 to transfer that into Euros.

1/20/2014 3:36:58 AM

curtlave (team extreme)

Sourthern Utah

ok thanks brad, was curious about cash..

1/21/2014 6:30:55 PM

Bcbf (Gary)



1/22/2014 8:21:25 PM


Brittnau , Switzerland


1/24/2014 7:22:00 AM

Bcbf (Gary)



1/24/2014 12:32:05 PM


Brittnau , Switzerland


1/24/2014 3:47:46 PM

Dutch Brad


Thank you all for your support.

The winner is Roger Rüegger.

Could you please send me an email, Roger? giantveg @ hotmail.com

1/25/2014 3:11:07 AM

Total Posts: 10 Current Server Time: 3/12/2025 9:46:58 AM
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