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Subject:  SOGPG Auction Results

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1. 1623.5, 1036 Wallace.....35.00
2. 1723 Marshall, 1587.5, 1582.5 Werner, 1209.5 Kuhn.....30.00,30.00
3. 1676, 1630, 1386, 1365 Checkon.....25.00,20.00
4. 1434, 1421, 1381, 1324 Checkon.....20.00
5. 1676, 1434 Checkon 1333, 948 Young.....20.00
6. 1662.5, 1351, 1327, 1292 Stelts.....35.00,35.00
7. 1556.5 Werner, 1405.5 Parks, 1325 Hopkins, 1141.5 Werner.....20.00
8. 1441, 1236, 1102 Harp.....20.00,15.00
9. 1670 Parks, 1618.2 Bryson, 1327 Stelts.....20.00
10. 1613.5, 1499.5, 1379.5, 1366, 1339, 1309, 1209, 1119 Adams.....35.00
11. 1811 Graham, 1524 Rose, 1213.5 Rea.....60.00,55.00
12. 1670 Parks, 1663 Zoellner, 1524.5 Werner.....30.00,25.00
13. 272, 236, 229 Edwards.....20.00
14. 267, 230 Edwards.....20.00
15. 285, 234, 221 Edwards.....25.00
16. 235.5, 248.5, 250, 266.6, 270.5 Neptune.....35.00,30.00
17. 1634, 1596, 1461, 1366.8, 1274.5, 1141.5 Werner.....150.00
18. 1613.5, 1579, 1104 Wallace.....30.00
19. 1634, 1582.5, 1524.5 Werner.....60.00,50.00
20. 1818.5, 1657.6, 1618.2, 1419.2 Bryson.....30.00
21. 1775 Starr.....70.00
22. 1610, 1770.5 Leiber.....85.00
23. 1495 Stelts.....165.00
24. 1872 Wallace.....90.00
25. 2009 Wallace.....140.00

3/1/2013 10:47:40 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Many thanks Dave!

3/1/2013 11:23:14 PM



anytime guys, have a good one.

3/1/2013 11:40:48 PM



You don't know me, but I think the people running the auctions should not be able to up bid. You see me every weekend bidding on lots. I have enough seeds to last me a life time, I even bought 3 of your 1807 seeds. The problem I have is that I am a 2nd year grower and I already can see that the a couple of clubs are trying to run up the prices by having the moderators bid on the lots just to help their clubs. This year I have spent hundreds of dollars just on getting great seeds---it used to be fun---it's not now------Stawecki out

3/1/2013 11:56:07 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Sometimes Jim The club guys would rather buy a seed then see it go cheap.I have done that at my auctions in the past.I dont think there is anything wrong with a member of the community bidding on a seed.We need more supporters of Auctions to raise funds for the individual clubs.If you feel there just jacking prices.& truly dont want the seed,then let them buy a few,this will wean them real fast.The whole point of the auctions is not getting a deal,but to support the sport.I wish more folks would put there best foot forward like Cecil does.

3/2/2013 5:00:26 AM



stawecki, i understand what your feeling, but if that member wants a seed to grow this year should he/she bid on another seed in someones elses auction, ? or bid in his own clubs auction and give his money to his own club? and if the clubs want to "raise their prices" they could have any member sign in to the auction to bid on those seeds, so there is no way around this. so as even to go father and use a proxy bid... so if the guys in blue bid, its for them,,, even if they say this seed is going to cheap, they still have to purchase it , or they will have to answer to the club...........scott.

3/2/2013 5:46:44 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

These club auctions aren't about providing bargains for anyone. They are about raising funds for giant growing clubs. Very high bids are sometimes made for seeds that might otherwise be given away. If you can't take the heat then get out of the kitchen. Most of the successful growers will provide their seeds to you free of charge if you will merely politely ask them to and send them a SASBE. It takes very little money to obtain great seeds and if you don't want or can't afford to spend "hundreds of dollars" at club auctions, no one is twisting your arm. Anyway,I personally believe that most all bids from club members are for seeds they would genuinely like to have and they are merely helping their own club as much as they want to. I see nothing wrong with that.

3/2/2013 7:52:46 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

It's definitely for the club. I'll be growing that 1872 this year and I was willing to fork out 90 bucks for it when no one else was. It now belongs to me and the SOGPG's checking account will be a little fatter because of it. Later this fall, that money will go out to the winners of our weigh-off. From my pocket to who knows who else's.

As for the watermelon lot I won, the seeds will probably go back into the club's auction seed stash for fundraising at a later date. What no one is aware of is that I donated the 1495 from my own personal stock. Dave sent 5 to us the year he weighed it and inserted a note to keep one for myself and now a lucky proxy bidder has it. Again, money back to the club. If you don't support your own club, then it has little chance of surviving.

3/2/2013 9:27:20 AM


Bellevue, Ohio

I am the one who started this. If the auction want a minimum price for each lot they should state it in the auction rules, as many have. This auction did not have a minimum opening bid. I bid on two lot and both times TruckTech1471 bid saying they were two cheep, not wanting the seeds. If you want the seeds fine bid away. If you ask a grower for a seed you are obligated to grow that seed but if you buy one then you can grow it, give it away or eat it.

3/2/2013 9:53:15 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

I don't see a problem, all the lots went way too cheap last night. Last year I bought an 1807 for $130 from SOGPG, since I'm a member was that wrong? Like TD says send a SASBE, I got 3 good seeds that way this year, plus dropped a few hundred at auctions. In my opinion seeds at all auctions are way low compared to past years, this year I got 3 1811 for what I paid for the 1807 last year. Support your club and the sport!!

3/2/2013 10:31:18 AM


Trumbull, CT 06611, USA

You guys are all missing his point. I do agree with everyone here, to be honest, however it is perceived that you are bidding prices up. You all know it is sometimes difficult to obtain a " hot seed" when you are first starting out. You don't know too many growers yet, you don't have email or postal addresses, etc, etc, etc. and the only way to get that seed is to buy it.

3/2/2013 10:54:27 AM

orange. one


I can see where smaller clubs will do that so they can have monies to give away at a weighoff but in these post you say that all your auction monies are just for bonusses and other vegatables. http://www.bigpumpkins.com/msgboard/ViewThread.asp?b=4&p=466721 In one part it says your punkin prize monies are from a other source
---- Our Committee met with them in there city and they exsplained they would raise the money for the pumpkin part .but it will be up to SOGPG to decide the pay structure witch pumpkins alone should be around 18,000---

That is a lot of monie and it might even be more than Canfield gives out to punkins. So why buy back seeds if you have that much give to you

3/2/2013 12:48:05 PM



Congratulations on winning Lot#22, the 1872 Wallace 2012 for $90.00. I hope it grows a monster for you and I'm sure the SOGPG appreciates your $90.00 too. That really made a big difference in what your club generated 3/1/13.
Wow, instead of only raising $1,525.00 for SOGPG Auction#2 you brought it up to a whopping $1,530.00. But wait--you won the bid on Lot#13 and Lot#14 and are now going to put them back in the club's seed stash...what a way to run a railroad and admit it too.....just remember my money spends at any club's auction and you just lost my support......

3/2/2013 5:16:15 PM


Frankfort Ohio

Im sorry you feel that way but allot of clubs do that but the grower that bids still pays what he bid it is up to them to decide if they want to give the seeds back to the club proxy bids are known to do this not all but some.anyone can bid even who is running the auction they can get the seeds the same as others .sorry again

3/2/2013 5:48:11 PM


Bellevue, Ohio

If you are running the auction then you should not be bidding. If you do it looks like you are taking donated seeds giving to the club for raising funds and keeping them for your own use. Last nights auction one auctioneer bought 12% of the lots.

3/2/2013 5:59:19 PM



I was not going to post on this but with some afterthought this might help some of the newer folks just joining what I think is an incredible community to belong to, the hobby/sport of “Growing”.

First off I have “no” moderator authority as to any other clubs auction practices other than my own club’s. This auction season as many others in years past has brought many different styles and formats to the table so to speak. I have seen fast ones, slow ones, and medium speed ones, some that allow proxy bidders, some that do not. Others have speed lots, timed lots, special surprise additions to lots. Some with secret $$ capped lots, trivia question lots, pre-biding format, board auctions and so on, and so on.

Personally, how any club, within its own membership chooses to DO its auction is solely up to those who are in charge of this part of their clubs operations. Whatever works best for them is totally up to the individual club or weigh off team. This is just one of the ways to raise money for the coming operating year for each club or weight off.

I started posting auctions years ago, when Nick(scbbc) stopped doing the posting simply because everyone seemed to enjoy the posts. So bottom line is, it is just a labor of love I guess; and just a way of giving a bit back to the community I have learned to enjoy being part of.
I also would like to thank cntyboy who cover 2 of the auctions this year and sudder who cover an auction night as well. When other obligations come up family or otherwise; you need to put family first. So just wanted to say “thanks again”.

This is the last weekend of auctions for this season, hope everyone had fun with them, grow those seeds big this year, be safe and hope all will have a super season.
As always………………….have a good one, Dave

3/2/2013 7:26:01 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

turkeygun, I have to admit that you have me baffled here. If I bid higher on a lot than anyone else is willing to, am I not entitled to win that lot? I did not TAKE seeds donated to our club for raising funds. I BOUGHT them the same way anyone participating in the auction could have AND it raised funds for our club. Is this rocket science?

3/2/2013 10:42:02 PM


norway , maine

The folks involved in the running of their clubs auction(the names in blue type) should not be bidding on lots in the auction they are running...i for one will not bid or buy from any auction that does

3/2/2013 11:14:11 PM



Do you realize that what you write here on the message board people may read and talk about it? You write things without thinking. I don't think you realize that. Earlier today you may have threw Dave under the bus. Why in the world would you put in writing that he sent your club five 1495 seeds and sent along a personal note saying "keep one for yourself". Now what about all the other clubs he donated the 1495 seeds to and didn't send five or a personal note saying "keep one for youself"? You can't undo what you wrote. You owe Dave an apology--big time.

3/3/2013 12:01:12 AM


Rhode Island

all i know is there are many generous club supporters if not? prices would in many cases be much lower ---- and thank god for the heavy hitters because without the top seeds that get generously donated to clubs yearly? --- you would reduce your aution profits greatly.

it matters little whether you bid to help a club, get the seed you want,or to collect for future possibilities.
the bottom line is seed auctions are a very important fundraising aspect for many clubs.in many cases its the only way to raise funds.

anyone can bid. who cares why they are bidding?
you want the seed bad enough? you bid or fold and wait for the next auctions.

3/3/2013 6:56:54 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

You're missing the point Stawecki. Dave gave the seed to me. If I choose to raise club funds with it, I'm sure he's very happy about that.

3/3/2013 9:04:36 AM

erik presto

Eighty Four,PA

When I started bidding on seeds back in 2006-2007, these auctions had seeds that were going for two to three times what they are now. I either knew I wanted the seed from the prices I averaged that Venari posts. I take the averages and set a price and you know if it is out of your league or not.

There are so many great genetics out there today that proven seeds with the 1161 or 1385 in it are great seeds but there are so many unproven seeds too. What is my point, dont make a mountain out of a mole hill. This sport has so many generous growers making it possible to get the seed you want through these auctions. Anyone can bid, we live in a free world. I go to farm auctions and have seen auctioneers start bids, continue bidding,and win. Like pap said, you either bid or fold. One thing is you should feel good if you bid and won because you gave back to this wonderful sport and to the club you just helped out.

3/3/2013 10:29:44 PM

erik presto

Eighty Four,PA

Venari just gives back to this sport by posting the winning bids on this great website. Venari is a great person to know and more than supportive to growers all over this world, trust me. And he doesn't get paid. I don't like reading posts about growers complaining, this website has so much to offer any grower and threads are watched to help growers out by responses from best growers in the world. We can thank Ken for this website and for him letting clubs run their auctions. All the auctions, silent auctions, seed exchanged, seeds donated, ect.,. a grower can get what seed he/she wants today with no problems. If a auction didn't turn out the way you wanted, hey, there are many others to get seeds.

If you are after a top seed and don't get it, then the last thing is mail the grower a bubble and just maybe you might be blessed. As for the world record seed or any other top seed, might be better to give(ie. winning bidder) and then receive.

Please keep this sport positive, we try to help growers along with all aspects of this website and the website is for questions and answering in a professional way and not complaining. Stawecki, if you have any questions please post your email and I will send you my phone number and I will be glad to talk and help you in anyway.

3/3/2013 10:29:58 PM


Garden Grove Ca

where do i send my money can u help me please i need to start my seeds now thanks Mike

3/4/2013 5:12:09 PM


Frankfort Ohio

Send check to 868 Shepperd Rd Frankfort Ohio45628

3/4/2013 7:33:31 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

BTW Mike, thanks for your support!

3/4/2013 9:43:51 PM

Pumpkinman Dan

Johnston, Iowa

Watching what happened at this auction was a huge turn off. There's nothing wrong with supporting your own club by bidding on seeds, but if the club member who is bidding is also the one calling the auction, there's going to be a perception of unequal power/conflict of interest. Can you think of any other auction where this happens? I can't. What's the solution? I don't know. Given that the person calling the auction is usually a volunteer from within the club it would be a bummer to that person to not be able to participate if they want a particular seed. For this auction, the attitudes and drama coming across on the screen made this a bigger issue than it probably would have been otherwise.

3/5/2013 2:18:19 PM


Frankfort Ohio

Guys you just need to get off the subject because the fussing over how clubs run there auction and run there clubs should be kept between personal emails BP is not for this .This could lead to bad things for growers that gossip On here .block

3/5/2013 6:58:37 PM


norway , maine

ya god forbid people use this website to express thier thoughts and opinions...take your "bad things" threat and stick where the sun dont shine,,,clown

3/6/2013 8:07:16 AM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

I think its the perfect place for this, this is not gossip these are opinions. I am not choosing a side either way here, but the auctions do run on BP so why cant we talk about it here? Everyone is entitled to there opinion and if enough people feel strongly about something you would think the clubs would want to know what there potential customers/supporters think. Or maybe they don't?

3/6/2013 5:38:30 PM


Webster, NY

I agree with Chad as long as the discussion remain civil, no name calling, ect...

3/7/2013 5:50:24 AM


Johnston, R.I.

I agree with Chad also, as long as this remains civil there should be no problems .. People are entitled to voice their opinions..

3/7/2013 8:21:03 AM


Frankfort Ohio

if some one buys a seed and then gives it back who cares if they pay for it they can do what they wish no diffrence in me buying a seed for 155 $ and giveing it to some one else to grow i have also bought seeds and changed my mind on what i was going to grow and told the club to keep the seeds i bought i put it on a note and placed it in the envelope with the money order telling them to keep it and use at another auction or give it to some one wanting one i have seen some one a well known bp person buy a seed and ask right in the middle of the auction for some ones address so they can send the seed to them if you watched some one buy a seed they said they wanted to give to another person and they outbid you to get it would you feel the same way you bid at auctions to help your club ! the only time i even bid at a auction that is not my clubs is if i see something to cheap if your upset about the auction your pocket was not deep enuff most the seeds sold for below average prices

3/7/2013 6:07:42 PM



If you read my posts, the only comment that wasn't factual was me congratulating TruckTech1471 on winning Lot#22 on 3/1/13. It was actually Lot#24. I apologize if I offended the winner of Lot#22. I wasn't going to comment on this subject anymore, however, Jed inspired me. Come on Jed, before you post read what you're writing. You said, "If some one buys a seed and then gives it back who cares if they pay for it". According to that statement, you can buy a seed without paying for it and just give it back? Do you really believe that? Then you make a comment that "the only time I even bid at a auction that is not my club is if I see something to cheap". That's the spirit Jed! Jed, you know you just told the Clubs around the country that the only way you will support their Clubs is if you can steal a seed. Again, that's the spirit. I guess you are refering to the 1/25/13 RMGVG Auction when you stole, Lot#1 for $30.00. Sorry Jed, I meant bought. For the second time, my money spends at any Club's auction and the SOGPG Club still lost my support after it sends me my 1623.5 Wallace 2012 and 1036 Wallace 2012 seeds.

3/8/2013 1:48:15 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

They will be mailed today.

3/8/2013 5:36:32 AM

Josh Scherer

Piqua, Ohio

He paid for the seed and gave it to the club, or another grower, who cares. I think if people keep making a stink of this it'll end up biting em in the butt, to me it doesn't matter I pay what a seed is worth, not lowball. Does the ignore feature work for chat rooms? if so it could make next years auctions interesting. If a new grower needs a hot seed and can't afford it e-mail me, I'm a seed hoarder I 'll help if I can. Just don't ask for my 2009 or 1872. Stawecki I understand you're frustrated, but a club will run an auction the way they want.By the way I out bid the auctioneer to get the 1872 and it wasn't SOGPG's auction. This happens alot, with your logic you won't be able to buy at auction as I've seen the biys in blue bidding at many auctions.

3/8/2013 7:23:20 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

If an auctioner is bidding it should only be for a proxy bid..this is a bid placed by someone via email prior to the auction beginning.

3/8/2013 7:36:24 AM



I'm one of the cheep seed buyers you talk of. I save my mony all year to be able to buy seed I want in winter auctions even tho my dad thinks I'm crazy paying for seeds. I was at this auction and think I was bidding on seed that the official said was to cheep and bid on himself.I think if a seed should be a certan price the clubs should do like eBay andvstart the price bid at that level. I have met friend in char that send me some good seeds but I still try to buy some from auction when they are in my price. It's not right because seed is not selling like the club thinks it should that the auctoiner bids on it just cause its going cheep.

This club has 18000 for payout weighoffs already and woories about a seed going for few dollars less. This has to be the biggest weighoffs in the states with that kind of mony and I can see why they want more. I was stoked I would be able to get good seeds this year and have its just hurtfull when you bid seeds only being told its not high as itshould be then bidding on it to raise the price ! I see handy said he's done the same at his auction and its just not right. If the seed has no min. Bid it should sell to the highest bidder ,if they want a sertan price start the price at that level. My dad says the bigger clubs get the worse they are and I can see how true it is. More money more money more money.


3/8/2013 2:53:34 PM

AG Big Pumpkin

Pumpkin Patch

$18000 payout is in line with other top weigh-offs but it is not the highest payout. There's another club that at it's lowest weights would payout $18000 and after all bonuses are figured in, the payout reaches $33,850.

I'm sure clubs auctions will change for next year, so that they don't have to put up with the bickering going on right now over this petty incident. I'd expect bidding minimums to go into effect or lower payouts because people are too cheap to support clubs.

3/9/2013 12:28:49 AM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

"I'd expect bidding minimums to go into effect or lower payouts because people are too cheap to support clubs."

That's an irresponsible statement right there. I stopped counting at 46 auctions that went on here at BP, in addition to the several auctions and Raffle that the GVGO had on their site. Add in a few seed sales and the seed market is beyond saturated. I've been saying it for a few years, the playing field has leveled, top quality/desireable seeds are many which has driven prices down, except for the rare few. The clubs will need to be more creative to achieve the same goals.

3/9/2013 8:35:48 AM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

I was under the impression that people didn't grow pumpkins for the payout?

3/9/2013 9:51:10 AM



Got myself approx $600 for an 1800lb pumpkin last oct:)) Yea..i'm in it for the $$$$$

3/9/2013 6:46:03 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Dammit Dave...Quit posting auction results.

3/9/2013 7:20:49 PM

orange. one


Your $33,000 number is wrong because the monies they pay are $18,000 for basic and another $15,000 if all bonusses are made. The part you didn't get is bonusses monies replace basic monies so it would be about $27,000 total. Also they say on website to get bonusses it has to be the growers biggest of year and if seed count is good they get 100 seeds. And looking at last year only 3 weigh off payed more than $10,000 great punkin farm had $11,000 half moon bay had $18,000 if all bonusses met ohio valley had $27,000 so $18000 tied it with half moon bay for second with no body even close. And there 18,000 does not have to be made by them . Sounds like greed

3/9/2013 7:34:45 PM



got $500 for 3rd largest(1811lbs)which in my mind is nothing more than a stepping stone!!!!!!!!!!FOR NOW:))

3/9/2013 9:58:02 PM



I wasn't aware growing big vegetables was all about the money-I thought it was all about the challenge. I attended the OVGPG weigh-off this past October. It was my first ever. I was like a little kid at Disney World. I heard about giant vegetables and even saw pictures of them. I couldn't believe what I saw; there was Quinn Werner's 1730.5, Tim Park's 1670, Paul and Cheryl Fulk's 1643 and Allen and Julie Brady's 1608.5 pumpkins. Four pumpkins over 1600lbs. I saw Dave Rumancik's 119.75 L.G.-found out they grew up and down and not along the ground. And when I was younger, if I only had a couple of John Matson's 5.08lb tomatoes to bombard the neighbor's house, it probably wouldn't have taken me so long and I probably wouldn't have gotten caught. I was lucky enough to see a few records; Lee Zappa's 27"Pennsylvania record sunflower head. Bill neptune and Ken Buckley's 270.5lb Ohio record watermelon. Two world records;Quinn Werner's 209lb field pumpkin and the top 10 pumpkin average of 1553.25-This is what this hobby is all about. It's about the challenge to grow something heavier and longer than someone else. It ain't about the money. There were a few things I didn't expect my first season;I didn't know pumpkins don't like 90 degree temps. PM didn't refer to the time of day and why are those wasp-like flying insects so interested in my vines? But most of all,I didn't expect participating in an auction and having to compete for seeds with people running the show. Then afterwards going into a chat room and seeing the playground bullies saying "Stawecki really pushed you around tonight at the auction" and TruckTech1471 saying "I'll kick Stawecki's ass". Okay tough guy,I'll meet you in the school yard after recess and we'll settle this once and for all. Grow up TruckTech1471. We're growing pumpkins. I didn't steal your girlfriend or your candy bar. Instead of bad-mouthing me, put some effort into your Club's operation. continued......

3/10/2013 4:52:33 AM



Your club has a website, it's not that bad, fix it up. Check out OVGPG's site to get some ideas. Maybe the Club can generate more weigh-off money through beter seed sales and advertisers. Check out PECPG and KGPG, it's March and they're still promoting seed sales and auctions. And if you still think it's all about the money and you want to run your railroad that way, have someone in your club, that's not running the auction and isn't typing in blue to do the up bidding and keep their mouths shut. Until next auction season, I'm just going to spend hundreds of dollars on chemicals and fertilizer, spend countless number of hours in the garden away from my family just thinking about my next visit to Disney World in October. It's about the challenge guys. Oh, just one more thing; Brent, Jack and Neal, the PGVG lost my support also.

3/10/2013 5:05:03 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

I NEVER said anything of the sort and I do not resort to name-calling or insults. If that's your thing, please keep it off a public forum. It has no constructive value.

It would appear that you are well on your way to boycotting every club auction out there and it's your right to do so. Let it go already.

As for our website, we have just made major changes are are making more. Tim and Chris are doing their best to make it easier for people to navigate, but we have major challenges to overcome. And, speaking of challenges, why don't you become involved with a club as an officer and help to effect the changes you would like to see in the way of how clubs operate?

No insults on this end.

3/10/2013 9:06:58 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

At our seminar yesterday, I made mention of this thread without insulting you and even suggested that I will change the way we do some things to head off any future controversy.

3/10/2013 9:18:04 AM

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