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Monday, July 15, 2024
Steve's Garage
New Castle, Indiana
Entry 33 of 35 |
2054 Strickler also developed YVD, or what I can assume is YVD since I don't have a tissue test to prove it. I was going to pull the entire plant, but these three vines had not yet been visually effected. Since I'm still fairly inexperienced I've decided to take this opportunity to see how this disease progresses. By removing all the infected vines I may able to tell whether or not the plant can still support fruit, or if the disease infects the vines long before they start to appear yellow. Any fruits I had on the other vines went rotten in a hurry. These two haven't aborted yet. Also you can see I missed a tertiary in my pruning. We'll just let that grow now..haha. Apologize for the weeds/crabgrass. It's been hot/rainy and I'm probably just going to spray the majority of that stuff.