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Sunday, July 23, 2023
big moon
Bethlehem CT
Entry 63 of 143 |
Next up is a photo of the 205 Holloway JBD watermelon. It is casualty number two in the melon patch. I really wanted to prove this JBD seed of Jake's but it wasn't in the cards for me. This 205 was on a strongback and the finger vines were well spaced. Possibly Bacterial wilt is what got it. Or and I am just learning this, this year. It could have been fusarium as well even though it was on a "disease" resistant rootstock. There are several races of fusarium and new strains are developing all the time. It is hard for any seed breeder to keep up with this. And here is my observation, take it or leave it. In Farming/gardening you can never fully master any crop or eliminate all disease or insect problems.. It is like whack a mole, eliminate one problem and get it under control and up pops a new one.