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7 Entries.
Friday, August 2
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43 dap, and just hit 1k for my best start yet. Meant to keep this thing up to date, but after the hail nearly ended my season I got distracted with everything else. Really enjoy reading all the diaries when I have a minute, so on the off chance anyone out there was wondering if I was growing this year, I'm still in it! One other pumpkinv in the patch, but nothing special, and I'm not even sure what see came up for that one. Main plant is the 1110 Jacobs, and I may grow it again
Saturday, September 14
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The small pumpkin hadn't grown in a month, so I took it to the Oklahoma weigh off. Estimated at 875, went slightly heavy at 893 and was good enough for 2nd place. Also weighed a 7 lb green squash, which was the best I could do this year! Two more weeks until Republic, hoping for a personal best, and to out grow the mother seed, which will be a first for me
Saturday, September 21
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Didn't know if I'd actually make the book or not, but bought one anyway. Pretty cool to see it in print!
Friday, October 4
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Loaded and ready for Republic tomorrow! Estimating 1500 +/- 75 lbs, should be a personal best! This was the 1110 Jacobs, so hoping to outgrow the mother seed for the first time as well.
Friday, October 4
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This is my new idea for tying off the bottom rope when lifting pumpkins. A prussik knot on the rope, with a d ring clipped to the lifting ring. I put two on the rope for safety, but one was plenty. I've seen two pumpkins dropped already this year from poor rope decisions, I think this is as secure as anything and is probably how I'll be lifting my own going forward
Saturday, October 5
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Final weight of 1496, basically dead to estimates, good enough for first place and a personal best by 200 lbs. First time finishing in the top spot, and the HD award is icing on top. Also the first time for me outgrowing the mother seed, so all things considered, a pretty good day!
Thursday, October 24
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If you want to see a 1,496 lb pumpkin blown to a million pieces with high explosives in 240 fps, give this a watch! Having friends in the drone videographery business and the explosive engineering business is fun for a lot of reasons...