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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 237 Entries.
Friday, January 5 View Page
Finally got a little time to start working on tomato stuff. Work went crazy this year for the Hollidays. Usually construction slows way down. But this year it's insane. Now I'm way behind with my asking growers for tomato seeds for our club auction, and updating the tomato genetics tree with this years tomatoes. That crazy brown seed is going to make me have to rearrange the whole chart to make all the tomatoes grown from it fit.
Friday, January 5 View Page
Poor Big Zac tree. This is the last tomato to make it into the 7+lb and only one from 2021. None in 2022 or 2023. Kicking around the idea of doing a "Bring back Big Zac" lot for our club auction. If there are no Big Zac next year I will probably chop that side of the genetics tree off archive it and save room for the ever expanding Domingo tree. I'm a sucker for an underdog so I'm rooting for ya BigZac.
Saturday, January 6 View Page
Look at all the baby flowers on the overwinter clone of the 9.65.
Saturday, January 6 View Page
Might be one or two megas. Plant seems to love it in the southern window with the sun at such a low angle this time of year.
Saturday, January 13 View Page
It's -11° outside but the 9.65 is starting to flower inside.
Saturday, January 13 View Page
It's -11° outside but the 9.65 is starting to flower inside.
Thursday, January 25 View Page
Working on the RMGVG auction list. This is a sneak peak at my "bring back Big Zac" lot. A lot of good and interesting Zac maters.
Thursday, January 25 View Page
Also doing a megadom and megazac (bring back Big Zac pt2)
Thursday, February 1 View Page
Google's A.I. called "Bard" just introduced drawing images. Figured I'd give it a go "Farmer holding a giant tomato" pretty good.
Thursday, February 1 View Page
They seem to have made it a point to make the thing very inclusive. Not every photo is of a white male lol. It did a great job on the tomato I added the line "more realistic" for this one.
Thursday, February 1 View Page
It seems to be better at creating logos than the other image generators i've tried.
Thursday, February 1 View Page
hit and miss I guess ha ha ha.
Thursday, February 1 View Page
A.I. is just amazing honestly. You might have to try several times but you can just talk to it like a normal person and it will adjust the image how you want it.
Saturday, March 2 View Page
So you get busy and don't watch your plants and they quit growing......hummmmm
Saturday, March 2 View Page
So what is going on with my overwintering 9.65. it is the bacterial wilt from last year??? Oh wait what is under the leaf?!?!?. UGH.white flies......for frick sake..... seriously. Hello Amazon one case of Neem oil please.....
Monday, May 6 View Page
A few weeks ago I selected my seeds. Too much work and such. Could someone slow down my life please and thank you.
Monday, May 6 View Page
Going to stage the plantings this year. First batch.
Monday, May 6 View Page
Just an update the 9.65 overwintering didn't make it. The white flies were too much and for some reason the roots never really took off.
Thursday, May 9 View Page
Butternut 103 jarosh
Thursday, May 9 View Page
Butternut 103 jarosh
Sunday, May 12 View Page
And the first tomato up is the......(Drum roll).....9.06 Brown Why does this not surprise me.
Sunday, May 12 View Page
Second tomato up......do you do a drum roll for the second tomato or only the first...hummm. anywho.....7.94 LaRue Again not a surprise. Those two seeds are beasts and have both are in a very select club having grown a 10+ lb tomato.
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
Had problems with seeds sprouting again this year :(. I used a different starter dirt. Went from miracle gro to black gold but it didn't seem to make a difference. Silly tomatoes.....sigh.
Saturday, June 8 View Page
Finally finally FINALLY..... Found some free time to post and get things ready. (Stupid work.....I think maybe I take my job too seriously) Anywho..... Look what I got....a Megabloom. Sadly is on one of our eating maters (Cherokee purple) ha ha ha. I hope the competition tomatoes take note. I started the tomatoes a bit later than the last few years to see how that goes.
Saturday, June 8 View Page
And of course we haven't had rain in a couple weeks until I go out to start the new patch. The way I work in the garden must look like a rain dance to the gods.....I guess at least it's not too hot.
Saturday, June 8 View Page
Out with the old in with the new.
Saturday, June 8 View Page
The 100+ year old rhubarb plant I rescued from Wyoming is doing gang busters this year.
Saturday, June 8 View Page
Now it's starting to look like something. At least it stopped raining.....kinna
Saturday, June 8 View Page
I was missing the secret sand last year. I'm sure that was my downfall. Not this year. I have plenty this year. I got this sand two years ago (my first year growing) I needed it for the nasty hard clay here plus I knew that it has special properties. It couldn't be used for construction sand because it deteriorated. This is because it has lots of calcite, gypsum and other soluble minerals. I figured it might be good for my patch. Then this winter I was doing research on humic and fulvic acid. Come to find out it is derived from lignite coal veins. Well it just so happens that the creek (sand draw) cuts several coal veins. So this sand should have some ancient organics from this also. We will see.
Sunday, June 9 View Page
This is the new patch after spending several hours beating the weeds knee high+ into submission.
Sunday, June 9 View Page
Another day of work on the raised box. Layer of sand then a layer of half decomposed leaves.
Sunday, June 9 View Page
Minecraft dirt blocks IRL. If you know know ask your kids or any gamer. They will laugh. :)
Sunday, June 9 View Page
Getting there.....
Sunday, June 9 View Page
Phew.... Done. Oh look at that. Like a blank canvas waiting for an artist. Ok state record tomato you will grow here. Still got a bit of work to get the watering system rearranged for this new box.
Monday, June 10 View Page
TaDa! Plants in the new box. (Hopefully bacteria free this year). Around a week later that I wanted but it will be fine. It will be interesting to see how the plants grow with a later start. 9.06 Brown health plant.
Tuesday, June 11 View Page
7.94 LaRue. This seed was great last year for me before that which must not be named happened.
Thursday, June 13 View Page
Got the watering system set up. In a few days the other tomatoes should be ready for the bed. I really wish work would slow down a bit. It's hard to do everything I want to do with it being so crazy.
Tuesday, July 16 View Page
Too much work. Ugh :( and to add insult to injury I'm wiring someone else's green house here at work. *Cry
Tuesday, July 16 View Page
I did get a 2 week vacation tho and came back to the mater plants kinna tipped over. Had to tie them up and stuff. This is the 9.06 Brown going to town.
Tuesday, July 16 View Page
7.94 LaRue with blooms. Nothing big yet, fingers crossed.
Tuesday, July 16 View Page
7.06 Jolivette. I had to restart it because I had 2 seeds that didn't sprout. That is why it is a bit behind. It has what looks to be a fantastic mega on it. We will see what the flowers does as it grows
Tuesday, July 16 View Page
Mega 7.06
Tuesday, July 16 View Page
7.06 Jolivette mega just starting to grow bigger. It is the only flower on the flower truss. Good sign so far.
Tuesday, July 16 View Page
The 7.06 plant. Don't know what I did but the photo didn't post
Thursday, July 18 View Page
Finally got a bit of time to take care of the matter plants. 3.62 Harnica. You will see a theme here this year. Plants directly off the lambchop seed. This is the only plant in the bunch without a Megabloom. Infact it is lacking in flowers all around. Time will tell.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
7.06 Jolivette it is not directly off the lambchop seed but from the 5.32 Howell/Jolivette. The same seed that grew the 9.06 Brown seed, enough said.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
7.94 LaRue plant. This seed is directly off the lambchop seed. As I was taking care of it from two weeks of neglect I found it has a couple megablooms. Guess I'll be getting out the pollination kit.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
9.06 Brown plant. This plant also has megablooms. This one is so so much better than my 9.06 brown from last year.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
3.90 Luers plant. My personal seed. This plant has been a bit slow getting started. We will see. I didn't till up the ground right here since there was already a very short raised bed. I have a suspicion the roots might be having a harder time getting through the soil. Who knows. What I did find today was a fantastic Megabloom on it today.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
The megabloom on the 3.90 Luers. It will be a few days before it is ready.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
You know what time it is! Break out the spongebob vibrator.........toothbrush and lets go make a baby......tomato. buzz buzz gimme your seed.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
Success!!!! Now let's take this pollen and cover the stigma with it so it can penetrate down to the ovary and make a baby....... tomato. *My wife from the porch* "Your such a plant pervert" :0. I look at it more as a tomato reproduction councilor.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
So this year I'm using these foam (makeup?) applicators. I was having a bit of problem with the paint brush turning the stigma brown. This should be a bit more gentle and more accurate.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
Megabloom on the 9.06 Brown. This one is fairly normal looking and might self pollinate but it's pointing up instead of down so the pollen will fall back instead of onto the end of the stigma.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
You can see here where to place the pollen. You can tell it's a fused blossom (Megabloom) because on a normal tomato flower the stigma (circled in red) is a small round dot. Here it is a line and nicely set up. Not all megabloom stigma are so nicely grown.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
This is the same flower after I hand pollinate. See the pollen sticking to the stigma.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
This is another Megabloom on the 9.06. infact it is right next to the other one. It IS facing down and might of self pollinated. You can see how it grows weird and doesn't put the anther cones (yellow parts where the pollen comes from) right next to the stigma like a normal flower.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
You can see the anther cones are all twisted up growing this way and that. This makes for very poor pollen application to the stigma if you can even get any pollen at all.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
You'll notice the stigma on this Megabloom is not as nice as the last one. It has three sections. You can see I've placed pollen on all three sections. It's really a pain if the sections don't all pollinate at the same time. You get one part of your giant tomato ripe and the other section still green.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
The megabloom on the 7.06 Jolivette should open in the next couple days. Can't wait to see what it will look like.
Thursday, July 18 View Page
As was almost done I found one more smaller Megabloom on.the 7.94 LaRue plant hiding under a leaf. This is a great plant, no wonder why jack grew a 10 lber off this seed.
Friday, July 19 View Page
This mega on the 7.06 looks better and better each day. The main stem terminates right into the flower. This is the same set up I had last year with the 9.65 porkchop plant. If the bacterial wilt hadn't hit that plant it would of been pushing 6lbs. It will be exciting to see what this one does.
Friday, July 19 View Page
It is starting to open also. It's interesting that the 7.06 is in the 9.65 tree. It's mother, the 5.32 H/J was grown from the 9.65 seed. Is this stem terminating into a Megabloom a trait of this tree? Hummm
Saturday, July 20 View Page
Looks the this Megabloom pollinated (hopefully) the flower is starting to wither. *Fingers crossed*
Saturday, July 20 View Page
The megabloom beside the previous one is still going, so we pollinate. There was very little pollen today on the giants even tho there was a pile of flowers ready. It's weird.
Saturday, July 20 View Page
The Cherokee purple is growing right next door let's see if it has pollen. This crazy plant, see the megabloom tomato down in the middle. Ok now to buzz some flowers I doubt there will be any pollen since the giants don't have any.
Saturday, July 20 View Page
Megabloom on the 7.06 is getting close to being ready. I did lightly spread a bit of on this one today but it needs to open more.
Sunday, July 21 View Page
The megabloom on the 7.06 is now open enough to pollinate. There is not much pollen from the flowers on the plants yet. It has been raining a bunch over the last day .that could be stifling the production. It's going to be much dryer and warmer over the next few days so that should help me find more pollen
Monday, July 22 View Page
The megabloom on the 7.94 LaRue looks like it might of taken. Can you see the baby tomato between the fading flower petals?
Monday, July 22 View Page
The megabloom right beside the previous one is still flowering. Need to spread some more pollen on it.
Monday, July 22 View Page
The megabloom on the 3.90 is looking more and more like a ribbon. It will be interesting to see what it does. It terminated on the main vine like the 7.06 so that's good.
Monday, July 22 View Page
Hummm. The single blooms are setting.....common megablooms
Monday, July 22 View Page
My Cherokee Purple is doing gang busters. It even has a tiny little guardian. You go. Eat them bad bugs.
Monday, July 22 View Page
Well due to lack of pollen on the giants I'm going to pollinate the 7.06 with the Cherokee purple pollen. It has many of the giant traits it should be interesting seeds.
Monday, July 22 View Page
Ok common pollen on this Monday afternoon.....Pleeeeeeease......
Monday, July 22 View Page
Monday, July 22 View Page
Ok I'm officially converted to the makeup brushes or whatever these things are. You can really see the pollen and can be very exact with it. I also think it's more gentle on the flower stamen.
Monday, July 22 View Page
So the mega on the right "2" looks like it has set. The other one is still flowering.
Monday, July 22 View Page
Mega 2. Right side one. See the newborn. Awwwww how cute.
Tuesday, July 23 View Page
Woo pollen two days in a row.
Tuesday, July 23 View Page
The 7.06 mega. So if I pollinate with different pollens do I get a variety of seeds? Is each pollen grain a seed?
Tuesday, July 23 View Page
So both Megablooms have taken. (Go go hand pollination) The will need to be a decision made. Left or right. Hummmm
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
Ok everybody it's time for......wait for it........Tour De Megabloom WOOT!! All these are on the 7.94 La Rue plant. Tough decision will need to be made.
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
This is number 2 and the one I'm leaning towards keeping. 1 and 2 are the megablooms that are side by side on the truss from the previous posts. 1 is right, this #2 is left.
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
This is number 3 and when it was flowering looked more like a single but I figured it was a mega because of the big flower with extra petals.
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
This one is another one on the plant and is pollinated a day or two behind 1 and 2. It is just starting to show.
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
This is the youngest of the batch. Pollinated in the last day or two. It needs to grow a bit to see what it's potentially is.
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
7.06 Jolivette. Pollinated for several days straight. The flower petals are just starting to fade. Very soon we will see if it set, and what this bad boy will look like.
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
Megabloom on the 3.90 Luers is just starting to open.
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
It looks very long and flat.
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
Photo for the post two above. 3.90 mega.
Wednesday, July 24 View Page
It's been super hot here for the last week or so. Usually that makes it so the tomatoes won't set. All these baby tomatoes are flowers that I have been buzzing for pollen. When I get pollen I gently bump the stamen against the spoon to get the vibration I need to bump out the pollen. I'm guessing when I do this it also has the bonus effect of sticking the pollen that has dropped into the spoon on to.the stamen. Probably a great way to set tomatoes even if your not hand painting them. You will also get a feel for when the flowers are producing pollen. Better that just shaking and pray method. :).
Thursday, July 25 View Page
Hand pollination. Wait.....do bees have hands? Hummm
Friday, July 26 View Page
3.90 Luers. Holy crap.... What a Frankenstein monster. How am I supposed to pollinate that.!?!? Good grief.
Friday, July 26 View Page
7.06 mega. Flower is fading, I should know by the end of the weekend if my couples therapy worked or not. I shouldn't fret honestly, out of all the megablooms I've hand pollinated (probably 30ish) only 2 didn't take. Pretty good odds.
Friday, July 26 View Page
Tomorrow is decision day. 5 megablooms on the 7.94 LaRue and there can be only one. *Que Highlander theme song* This is one of the front runners. Megabloom #3
Friday, July 26 View Page
Megabloom #4 smaller that the others but pollinated a few days later. Also in the running.
Friday, July 26 View Page
Megabloom #1 it is really bulking up fast.
Friday, July 26 View Page
Sadly the leading prospect Megabloom #2 the "left" one has a brown spot on it. It will more than likely be culled
Saturday, July 27 View Page
Looks like I got plenty of flowers to get pollen from hopefully there is some for the 3.90 Frankenstein bloom
Saturday, July 27 View Page
Some. I think earlier in the day might be better.
Saturday, July 27 View Page
Oh man where to start......
Saturday, July 27 View Page
Ok so I can see a stigma (been using the wrong term stamen) in the circle but I have no idea with the rest. Crazy thing.
Saturday, July 27 View Page
Down to the final two prospects on the 7.94 LaRue. Megabloom #4
Saturday, July 27 View Page
Megabloom #1 all others have been culled.
Saturday, July 27 View Page
This crazy plant. Right above the #1 Megabloom, the one that had two Megablooms side by side is this. Two big (mega?) blooms on the next truss up. Craziness.
Saturday, July 27 View Page
There are a few others scattered about also. Sadly these will all be culled.
Saturday, July 27 View Page
7.06 Jolivette it hasn't started swelling up yet. I don't know why the delay. Fingers crossed.
Saturday, July 27 View Page
3.62 Harnica plant is growing like crazy it has caught up to the other plants and is over taking them. Now I just need a nice bloom on it.
Sunday, July 28 View Page
Yep pollen is better earlier in the day. Probably helps there was no wind, storms, or rain. This is from 4 flowers.
Sunday, July 28 View Page
All right let's do this..... Bit of a guessing game on where to dab the pollen on this mutated Frankenstein flower. If I get it to pollinate can I yell "It's Alive!!!!!" :)
Monday, July 29 View Page
7.06 Jolivette looks to be all fused. It's a little slow on.the uptake so we will see.
Tuesday, July 30 View Page
Day 3 pollination. Well kinna 3 1/2 since I did spread a bit of pollen 4 days ago just a bit tho.
Thursday, August 1 View Page
7.94 LaRue. I have 2 tomatoes set and I can't decide on which one. The set tomatoes have been slow growing. I noticed the dirt seemed a bit too dry and I tested the watering timer and the valve was stuck and it hasn't been watering. The plants haven't wilted or shown any sign of under watering so I don't know how many cycles it missed.
Thursday, August 1 View Page
The other tomato on the 7.94. hopefully one or the other will grow faster and help me decide.
Thursday, August 1 View Page
7.06 Jolivette. We will see if fixing the water help increase the growth of this tomato.
Thursday, August 1 View Page
The 3.90 Luers looks like it set. It will be very interesting to see how this grows out.
Friday, August 2 View Page
3.62 Harnica plant. It is doing great if I can just get a nice mega we will be in business. Fixing the water timer helped tremendously, in just 24 hours I can see the difference in the tomatoes. Silly silly......sigh. I know I lost weight because of that malfunctioning timer.
Friday, August 2 View Page
7.06 Jolivette plant. Growing good with the new Megabloom tomato in the middle of it. Now it just needs to grow. I'm sure it doesn't help it's been in the upper 90's for a few weeks now.
Friday, August 2 View Page
7.94 LaRue growing gangbusters. Hard to keep all the suckers pruned. I will have to make a decision on the two maters growing on it soon. It has grown into the Brown plant and it's hard to see where one quits and the other begins. It didn't help one leaned left and the other right. Go figure. Lol
Friday, August 2 View Page
9.06 Brown also growing gangbusters right into the LaRue plant. Now just one nice big bloom and we will be set.
Friday, August 2 View Page
3.90 Luers it's a bit stunted but it's starting to take off. Plus it has that supermegaFrankenstein bloom that just set. Now we wait........I'm not good at waiting.......Grow damn it.....right now.....now now now. Just kidding I have a lot of patience I have a wife. *Looks around* don't tell her I said that.
Friday, August 2 View Page
The megabloom tomato on the Cherokee purple is ready to pick. This thing looks like a monster. Too bad it's in miniature. It is an eating mater so it's been a bit neglected. It wasn't planted in the best spot either. I'll save the seeds from this one it has giant tomato plant qualities. Maybe I'll weigh it just for fun and to put something on the board for my team.
Friday, August 2 View Page
The Cherokee purple is just Huge. Look at it.....ok not to close......no need to zoom in or analyze the photo.....I'm sure it's totally legit.
Friday, August 2 View Page
huge I tell you. What??? fake photo? na I'm sure I would not waste my precious time uploading the photo from my phone to computer and using free editing software Gimp to make a very bad photoshoped photo. Na you are mistaken.
Saturday, August 3 View Page
Omg 9.3 poun..... wait......ounces.......:) it's funny how much this looks like a giant tomato in miniature. Not too surprising since it was a really good Megabloom on the Cherokee purple. You can see it somewhere earlier in my diary.
Saturday, August 3 View Page
We ate it on burgers tonight. I saved some of the seeds. The seeds are large in size. I'll play with it next year.
Saturday, August 3 View Page
Does it look bigger in grams? Lol *gets out the calculator* 5.8 wow......wait.... decimal point.....goes.....hummm oh. .58 lbs. :)
Sunday, August 4 View Page
7.06 plant. It's amazing what some consistent watering will do. In just 3 days it's triple an n size. The timers valve stuck again today probably should go buy a new one.
Sunday, August 4 View Page
7.06 plant. It's amazing what some consistent watering will do. In just 3 days it's triple an n size. The timers valve stuck again today probably should go buy a new one.
Sunday, August 4 View Page
Still can't decide.......
Sunday, August 4 View Page
This one is the smaller of the two but feels like it might have better potential if it will grow.
Sunday, August 4 View Page
Realized why it was smaller the stem had a pretty good kink in it. There all better. Guess I'll wait a couple more days to decide
Sunday, August 4 View Page
Man it's all I can do to keep up with all the sneaky baby tomatoes hiding in the foliage.
Monday, August 5 View Page
Now we're growing. It's cool to see when the plant syncs up with the tomato, boom growth. 7.06 Jolivette.
Monday, August 5 View Page
Of course there is another nice mega on the Jolivette plant....why can't it be the Brown or Harnica. I wish I could just transplant it to the other tomato plant.....wait.....can you? Hummmmm
Monday, August 5 View Page
The 7.94 LaRue plant also has a mega and this one set. Sigh. Common guys share the love with the other plants.
Monday, August 5 View Page
7.94 maga front on view. Sadly this is a cull
Monday, August 5 View Page
Here is a good example of why Megablooms have problems pollinating and why hand pollination is so important. This is a normal tomato flower I cut off today. You can see the anther cones are tightly bound to the style and stigma (female flower part) The pollen is released by the anther cones inside and has to travel down the anther cones and go right by the stigma (the green tip and the end of the anther cones) now let's look at another flower that is more like a Megabloom in the next entry
Monday, August 5 View Page
This is probably not a Megabloom but it has the mutated flower you see in them. Notice how the anther cones curl and are mishaped. Because of this the style and stigma are sticking clear out of the anther cones. Instead of the pollen being forced to come out across the stigma, with this flower it can fall out before it reaches the place it is supposed to go. Megablooms have even more twisted and mutated anther cones. Just shaking or vibrating the flower may not be enough to get it to pollinate.
Tuesday, August 6 View Page
AAAAAAHHHH OMG!!!!! Hornworm eggs........
Tuesday, August 6 View Page
Finally a mega on the Harnica plant. You will notice how the anther cones go all this way and that. This is what I was talking about in the hand pollination entry a couple days ago. Luckily there was plenty of pollen to put on it.
Wednesday, August 7 View Page
A.I. at its best...... Has anybody ever gotten something helpful from this b.s. ? Search is getting almost worthless.
Wednesday, August 7 View Page
And this is the end of my research on hornworms and the moths they come from ........ somethings you just can't unread. The male and female moths attach together at their abdomens, with the male using his “claspers,” which are short, hand-like appendages on his anus, to …Oct 19, 2017
Friday, August 9 View Page
We have had rain and storms for the last 3 days pretty much non stop. One strong nasty one moved through the first day and dropped a bit of hail. Luckily most of the plant and maters survived with just the very outside leaves with some damage.
Friday, August 9 View Page
Another Megabloom on the 3.90 Luers. Which of course already has a set tomato on it.
Friday, August 9 View Page
This is another good example of how a good portion of the anther cones are not where they need to be. I have realized lately that using my phone camera I can zoom in on the bloom to see the places I need to pollinate. Very handy.
Friday, August 9 View Page
3.90 Luers Megabloom. Finally starting to take off.
Friday, August 9 View Page
7.06 mater is starting to put on some weight.
Friday, August 9 View Page
7.94 LaRue. Mater 1
Friday, August 9 View Page
Mater 2.
Friday, August 9 View Page
And because some person we will leave unnamed played into my fear of culling tomatoes Mater #3. Sigh...... Somebody's gotta go.
Friday, August 9 View Page
Looks like the Harnica mega set even tho I only got to pollinate it for one day before the rain came.
Saturday, August 10 View Page
RMGVG patch tour was today. It was great. This is the place to get advice from seasoned growers. It was held in the Colorado springs area this year. Great job. Thanks for letting us invade your patches.
Saturday, August 10 View Page
Rocky Mountain Giant Vegetable Growers 2024 patch tour.
Saturday, August 10 View Page
Rocky Mountain Giant Vegetable Growers 2024 patch tour The tallest pumpkin leaves I've ever seen.
Saturday, August 10 View Page
Pumpkin patc......WAIT.....You can't put a selfie in your diary?!?! It's against the unwritten rules...... That's it!!! Enough is enough. 100 lashes with an old rusty heating cable.
Monday, August 12 View Page
Ok I have been having such a hard time choosing between the two (three kinna) tomatoes on the LaRue plant I decided I needed more days. So I've been putting a tape on them for the last 3 days. This is the front one more single looking.
Monday, August 12 View Page
This is the back one. More double fused looking. You can see they are close to the same size. This was not the case three days ago. This one is growing quite a bit faster and has caught up. I will be culling the other one tomorrow. It will be painful but it has to be done. I will be cutting the other mega I let grow a bit also. One tomato one plant.
Monday, August 12 View Page
I have a single on.the Harnica I've been letting grow since I had no Megablooms. It's grown pretty good. I will have to make a decision in a week or so depending on what the mega does that set a few days ago.
Tuesday, August 13 View Page
I don't know what happened but I wish I could replicate it every time. Almost every bloom on the 3.90 Luers is giant.
Tuesday, August 13 View Page
Was it temperature, the rain, fertilizer, pure confidence.
Tuesday, August 13 View Page
Of course the question is.... Did I bite the bullet and cut off the front mater on the 7.94. Well I was full and ready but it got a days reprieve since it grew the same as the back mater. Maybe it heard me talking yesterday and decided it better get in gear. Lol
Wednesday, August 14 View Page
It's just crazy to see so many giant blooms all at once. Of course I already have a nice tomato set on this plant and most of the giant blooms are not really megas. Very interesting tho.
Wednesday, August 14 View Page
7.06 Jolivette growing ok. The next week or two will tell. It has a couple little dings from the hail a week ago but other than that it's going good so far.
Wednesday, August 14 View Page
3.90 Luers. Really starting to show it's shape. I was hoping I could leave the trellis wire there for support but it is going to cause problems. I'll have to remove the wire this weekend.
Friday, August 16 View Page
The deed is done! There is now only one tomato on one plant. Painful
Friday, August 16 View Page
The winner on the 7.94 LaRue. We will know in a few weeks if I choose correctly. It will be interesting to see if cutting of the other one increases the growth rate of this one.
Friday, August 16 View Page
1 lb 2.4 oz. Culled before it's time. 1.15 lbs biggest cull I've ever had. Probably should of cut it off sooner but I was hoping one or the other would of made it clear which to choose.
Sunday, August 18 View Page
Good grief! I go away for a couple days come back and the plants are trying to grow more babies. Crazy plants...all energy goes into the ONE tomato.
Sunday, August 18 View Page
Houston we have a problem. The tomato stem on the 7.94 LaRue looked a little weird. Upon closer inspecting I realized it was kinked and had split some time ago.
Sunday, August 18 View Page
Readjusting of the hammock and one tomato cage later.....we will see. I think it's ok.
Sunday, August 18 View Page
7.06 Jolivette is starting to put on some weight.
Sunday, August 18 View Page
The 3.90 Luers seems to be a little behind where I would like to see it but it's still early.
Wednesday, August 21 View Page
Ok this is getting out of hand. Let's play count the baby tomatoes. That is 26. It actually was 29 because I still found 3 more after I took that photo. This energy needs to go into the "one" maters. Silly plants.
Wednesday, August 21 View Page
And as I was doing the plant thing I had a WTF moment. I only have 5 plants and I've been keeping pretty good track of them. I have a big single on the Brown plant as I wait for a late season mega. Well I went to cut a baby tomato off and found this crazy huge mater hiding in the leaves. It's almost the same size as the other one. What the heck. How can I miss something like this. Just craziness. So I have 2 15" maters on this plant.
Wednesday, August 21 View Page
Another view of the surprise mater on the Brown plant.
Wednesday, August 21 View Page
I've let the Brown plant go wild with very little trimming just to see what happens. It should have no problem supporting 2 maters. I do think letting the plants go with no trimming might suppress Megablooms. Who knows
Thursday, August 22 View Page
For early tomato registration click the link the arrow is pointing at.
Friday, August 23 View Page
So it looks like the culling of the other tomato on the 7.94 LaRue plant has given this one a bit of a boost by an extra 1/8" per day. Interesting
Sunday, August 25 View Page
Sooooo..... When your tomato flower really really is in the mood to be pollinated.
Sunday, August 25 View Page
I finally got some bigger blooms on the Brown plant. They are just singles but at this point I'll take what I can get.
Sunday, August 25 View Page
Three to be exact. They are at the produce pollen stage. Plus I have been leaving the flower nodes on when I pinch of the suckers and grow tips so I have several pollen producing flowers. Just for this circumstance. This is the last week I need to worry about this. After this next week anything that would show up would be too late to get to the weighoffs.
Sunday, August 25 View Page
I was also super excited to see these two big blooms show up on the Harnica plant. YES!!! ......wait....upon closer inspection and tracing down the vine thay are on the Jolivette plant........crap.....sigh.
Sunday, August 25 View Page
I'm going to pollinate everything and sort it all out later because I'm so good at deciding to cull good looking tomatoes off plants and not waiting till they are half grown. :/
Sunday, August 25 View Page
If the big blooms set in the Jolivette I might cut off the older tomato. The megabloom had so much promise but just never really took off with the growth. One of the cursed to keeping good measurement record keeping is you can do a pretty good estimate to the final weight. I almost wish I didn't know and could pretend it was going to hit 6 pounds. Sadly even with generous numbers for the future it is looking to top out at 20" :(
Wednesday, August 28 View Page
As the Jolivette under performs the 3.90 Luers is really taking off doing .75 a day. There might be hope for a PB yet.
Thursday, August 29 View Page
The single I left on the Harnica plant is blushing. I will not be able to check on it for a few days so I have to decide if I should just cut it off now or wait. It's only somewhere between 16-17" so 1.5 to 1.75ish.
Thursday, August 29 View Page
I measured the Harnica it had not grown at all. So now it is Luers 1.49 That will be a tiny upgrade to my contest tomatoes. It was just only "16 so it was a touch heavy to chart. Not surprising since it's is a big single with no gaps in the measurement.
Thursday, August 29 View Page
It will be interesting to see if cutting off this one will help the other single grow on this plant
Friday, August 30 View Page
This crazy 3.90 plant. This is like the 15+ giant bloom on this thing. I wish I could transfer this nice Megabloom to the Harnica or Brown plant. I've been pinching the suckers off above the blooms in case I need pollen, if you were wondering why I still had blooms on a dead ended plant.
Monday, September 2 View Page
Crazy thing....
Tuesday, September 3 View Page
Away for Labor Day and.......Well crap....the 3.90 Luers wasn't fused and when I was inspecting it the bottom fell off. The stem has been split for quite awhile as it's all dry and healed. Welp what ya gonna do. Nothing you can do about it fusing. At least it's not grower error. :)
Tuesday, September 3 View Page
Something decided to take a chomp out of the front single on the Brown plant.
Tuesday, September 3 View Page
The tomato on the 7.94 LaRue is blushing. It's a few days early but it will be weighed. Luckily the grasshoppers don't like to eat the maters.
Tuesday, September 3 View Page
The 3.90 is still making huge blooms. Now that the 3.90 will not be a personal best ill pollinate everything and see if I can get one to weighoffs.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
Tomato weighting time!
Thursday, September 5 View Page
Off to the fort Collins nursery to use their official scale. The first one is the back tomato (surprise tomato) on the 9.06 Brown plant. 1.91 Luers. I guess not bad for something I didn't even know existed until it was a week or two from blushing. :))
Thursday, September 5 View Page
The next mater is from the 7.94 LaRue. The 2.87 Luers. It is about what I figured it would weigh. You always hope for more but I'll take what I can get. This whole year has been a bit of experimenting anyway since I couldn't grow in the patch on the other side of the house.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
Just for fun (and science) I weighed the front Brown mater that had a bite taken out of it. It was picked yesterday and weighed on my home scale. My home scale matches the official one weight wise. Tested with the current tomatoes. The question is how much weight was lost in just one day.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
So here it is on the home scale yesterday. With a bit of conversion. Add....subtract....carry the 2... multiply by infinity...and 1.94 so I little bit but not that much.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
One of the more promising megas on.the 3.90 plant set from my hand pollination. I have begun to use colored zip ties to keep track of the ones I have selected to hand pollinate. This has helped tremendously as the flower loses its petals and starts to blend in with the rest of the plant.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
The 7.94 currently has no tomato on it obviously since it has been weighed. Luckily it is producing some very nice late season Megablooms.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
This crazy thing is also on the 7.94 LaRue.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
It's just a mutated monster. This looks to me like a transition type thing where you can get an idea how multiple flowers fuse together. This one will probably need some surgery in a few days.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
I know I'm all tomatoes on this diary but here is my wife's pumpkin plant. Since I couldn't grow tomatoes in this patch she decided to do a pumpkin here. The plant has been struggling (we don't really try very hard) she finally got one to set but it just wouldn't grow.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
Today she was looking around the plant and discovered something on the backside of the tomato raised bed.....WHAT!!!!!
Thursday, September 5 View Page
There pinched between one of the loose hail screens and the side of the raised bed was a poor squeezed pumpkin. Oh no
Thursday, September 5 View Page
Oh boy.....this was going to take some careful manipulation. I moved the screen just a touch and the pumpkin slid down and inch or so. My wife gasps. "That is why I didn't touch it"
Thursday, September 5 View Page
As I inspected the situation I realized the vine had actually snuck it's way in between the screen and the wood frame. Good grief.....after careful inspection I formulated a plan to rescue this poor stuck squash.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
The pumpkin had grown so much it had actually ripped the metal screen where it attached to the wood with screws.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
I went to my work van and got my tools........a screw gun....this will do the trick. Slowly I pulled the screen off the frame.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
Next task is to remove the frame and lower the pumpkin to the ground.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
After removing one side of the frame and getting the pumpkin to the ground you can see just how smashed it really was in that tiny little space. Wow......
Thursday, September 5 View Page
After removing all the frame and adjusting the vine you could really see the crazy shape. More than likely because of being squished.
Thursday, September 5 View Page
It's final resting place. Well I guess we're growing blossoms down. :)). I got a surprise tomato and my wife got a surprise pumpkin. There is also a hidden pumpkin guardian in this photo. Do you see it?
Thursday, September 5 View Page
Even after all the moving and shaking this huge spider just hung out on the leaf right above the pumpkin. I'm sure I probably touched him a few times. Lol.
Monday, September 9 View Page
The 7.06 Jolivette blushed while I was gone for the gem and mineral show for a few days. I will probably weigh it on Tuesday. The weight doesn't do justice to this seed. It is a great seed, it was a great plant. The location this year I'm pretty sure is holding me back. Full sun is important.
Monday, September 9 View Page
The second megabloom on the 7.94 LaRue was open when I got home also. It is the weird monster bloom.
Tuesday, September 10 View Page
Pollination day 2. It is a week later than I want but we will see.
Tuesday, September 10 View Page
The 3.90 is still growing even tho I lost about 1/3 of the tomato that wasn't fused.
Tuesday, September 10 View Page
I'll probably pick and weigh the Jolivette tomorrow. I got off work a bit to late today to make it to the nursery. It might surprise me. It has a bit of heft to it. We will see.
Wednesday, September 11 View Page
The 7.06 Jolivette had such potential. It is bigger than a thought it might be. I wasn't sure it would even break 2lbs. But here we have the new Luers 2.19.
Wednesday, September 11 View Page
Megabloom 1 on the 3.90 is doing that weird delay growing thing.
Wednesday, September 11 View Page
Megabloom 2 on the 3.90 is starting to grow. One of these will replace the tomato that is currently on it that will be blushing soon.
Wednesday, September 11 View Page
The first megabloom on the 7.94 LaRue plant looks to have pollinated and is growing.
Wednesday, September 11 View Page
It looks nice. We will see. There is another one that might be better.
Wednesday, September 11 View Page
This is the other one. It has been hand pollinated for the last three days. This is also on the LaRue plant. It is surrounded by an entourage of blooms. I'm going to let it pollinate before I start killing off it's friends. This will probably be the last pollination of the year. In fact I'm guessing it is about a week late honestly. It's such a gorgeous beastly Frankenstein bloom you just have to pollinate it.
Wednesday, September 11 View Page
The big bloom on the Brown from a week or so ago looks very lackluster. :/
Thursday, September 12 View Page
Tomato on the 3.90 plant is still growing. It's still painful 1/3 of it fell off. Will it reach 2lbs. It's still hard but I can see that telltail sign of a very slight color change. It will blush in the next few days I'm guessing.
Friday, September 13 View Page
Yup called it. It will be interesting to see what it weighs. It looks bigger than the one I just weighed. The 2.19 Luers. Technically it will be the 2.18 on the official GPC list because I sat for a day and lost .01 lbs. I also screwed up the form for the 2.87 Luers (I'm guessing google auto filled my online form) because it's listed under my wife name. She said "What I grew a tomato?" She looks at me with that look. :/ ha ha very funny.....
Friday, September 13 View Page
The 3.90 blushes just in time. The back mega on the plant is just starting to take off.
Friday, September 13 View Page
This crazy flower it did some weird bend over backwards thing. It has 24 other blooms on this truss. We will see what it does as it grows out. I wish it had shown up a week or two earlier. The other mega on this LaRue plant has taken and it starting to grow nicely. I will probably cull this one since the other has a week+ head start but not till I satisfy my curiosity and see how it grows out.
Tuesday, September 17 View Page
Picked the 3.90 today. I'm going to try to put it in the fridge for a week and a half to get it to the weighoff. We will see never done this before. 2.16 Luers. I might take it to the Nursery and get an official weight tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 18 View Page
Even in the fridge it still lost .01. interesting. It will be interesting to see how much it loses over the week
Wednesday, September 18 View Page
The crazy boom. 7.94 LaRue front
Wednesday, September 18 View Page
The back tomato 7.94 LaRue.


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