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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 85 Entries.
Saturday, February 3 View Page
Kicking off the 2024 growing season vlog. https://youtu.be/_4M8m6oE0zg?si=uW3FTt9hNdAbGk77 Ep. 1 covers starting a new patch in a new location. Soil test followed by compost and pH adjustments for the winter. I’m going to try and grow 4 pumpkins this year in 2 patches. I think the off-season ambition has gotten to me.
Friday, February 9 View Page
Ep. 2 - it has been wet and cold so this one covers picking seeds and my simple patch prep and planting schedule. https://youtu.be/NqNoaitQAfA?si=kFX_PJF6vuzQnj_p
Wednesday, February 21 View Page
Cover crop looks great. Will be cutting and tilling soon.
Wednesday, February 21 View Page
Close up of the cover crop in patch 1.
Tuesday, February 27 View Page
This is the cover crop in PATCH 2. Rye and vetch. This patch has been much wetter than PATCH 1 and you can really see that in the color of the rye. wont be long and I will cut and till. Then a final soil test.
Thursday, February 29 View Page
Ep. 3 chopping and tilling the cover crop. Trying to get the cover crop incorporated into the soil now so that it doesn’t skew the final soil test results. https://youtu.be/WTLm77vZBB4?si=k7RVqFtPq0Nernwa
Saturday, April 6 View Page
Episode 4. Starting seeds, mixing soil, transplanting… https://youtu.be/_F5g-tbES84?si=Bq9qfp3WoBU6m2Vs
Wednesday, April 10 View Page
All plants are doing great in their new 1 gallon pots so far. Going to transplant to 2 gallon this weekend and then one more week and they go into the mini hoops. Targeting around 4/20.
Monday, April 15 View Page
Ep. 5 - Soil preparation, testing and using the soil calculator. https://youtu.be/IpXDRp9zqUk?si=ImAv1ajrG3wOmrcs
Wednesday, April 17 View Page
Patch 1 is ready. Planning to transplant in 3-4 days.
Friday, April 26 View Page
Ep. 6 Planting the 2560 Gienger and the 2006 Wolf in patch 1 and the 2266 Kisamore and the 2245 Andrusz in patch 2. https://youtu.be/2s70DOycrI8?si=Rk8tSkbzhpyWVc8Z
Wednesday, May 1 View Page
Completed the irrigation in patch 2. Always a lot of work on your knees. Glad it’s done, now I’ll watch for leaks and problems before covering the patch with straw to reduce weed pressure.
Saturday, May 4 View Page
Ep. 7 - how I setup my irrigation. Drip tape, overhead wobblers and Dosatron injector https://youtu.be/eJQ-Lp1aSwY?si=BEnFk_hG8qH4TQid
Monday, May 13 View Page
2266 Kisamore
Monday, May 13 View Page
2245 Andrusz
Monday, May 13 View Page
2560 Gienger
Monday, May 13 View Page
2006 Wolf
Monday, May 13 View Page
Any ideas? This was from my backup plant 18” away from the plant I kept. The plant I kept looks perfect. Both plants got all the same treatment. Very puzzling.
Monday, May 13 View Page
Ep. 8 - Culling, Pruning and Starting to Bury Vines. https://youtu.be/QcKUZSLLx6U?si=j6Ae7IHgIj5P_5yF
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
2266 Kisamore - 5/20
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
2245 Andrusz - 5/20
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
2560 Gienger - 5/20
Tuesday, May 21 View Page
2006 Wolf - 5/20
Thursday, June 6 View Page
I had to cut the vine tip off of my 2245 Andrusz due to several perpendicular cracks across the main vine. At first I thought it might be due to beetle damage or another insect but after closer inspection I don’t think so. Anyone familiar with this pattern? All secondaries look fine and I’m training one of them as the new main. Hoping this isn’t something more systemic.
Thursday, June 6 View Page
Another view
Friday, June 7 View Page
New YouTube video. June 5th patch tour. https://youtu.be/nSAaIlhcNHk?si=LMe-2UrJjllZQ1_f
Friday, June 7 View Page
2 weeks of growth on the 2560 Gienger and the 2006 Wolf.
Friday, June 7 View Page
Second plant to get a perpendicular crack. Frustrating because I don’t know the cause. Happened during the heat wave where I was watering heavily. I also had recently done some foliar feeding with calcium nitrate and a few other things. Despite the setback, still charging forward!
Thursday, June 13 View Page
The 2006 Wolf at DAP 7. Had to cut the main at the split so the pumpkin has fewer secondaries than desired. I will now run a big pitchfork pattern. Should be fine.
Saturday, June 15 View Page
2560 Gienger on the left. I have two pollinated but I really want the one opening in 2-3 days. 2006 on the right. DAP 10
Saturday, June 15 View Page
2265 Kisamore on the left. Pollination should happen in 2 days. 2245 on the right. Pollination tomorrow. 2245 plant isn’t doing great. Not sure why. Pushing on!
Saturday, June 15 View Page
June 14th patch tour. https://youtu.be/5LTUnFvQpgo?si=gUEKK-m-xN5LvoTW
Saturday, June 15 View Page
This is a first. My 1469 Young plant in the bonus patch was eaten by a gopher above ground. Got him but the damage was done.
Tuesday, June 18 View Page
2006 Wolf DAP14. “Volleyball Size”
Tuesday, June 18 View Page
2006 Wolf landing zone. This took some work as I wasn’t planning to keep this one and I had to dead head the main about 3 feet past the pumpkin.
Wednesday, June 26 View Page
Ep. 11 June 21st https://youtu.be/pXy2uoNmJOA?si=b8vNgEVz9zT-Fi47
Wednesday, June 26 View Page
2006 Wolf DAP22. Good color and shape.
Saturday, June 29 View Page
True love
Saturday, June 29 View Page
2006 Wolf Day 25 - est. 97lbs. Disappointed by the numbers, happy about the color/shape
Tuesday, July 2 View Page
Ep. 12 - July 1st patch tour. https://youtu.be/Nh0OkspojBg?si=KEdwWhyLvo8o5akv
Tuesday, July 2 View Page
Top left: 2560 Gienger Top right: 2006 Wolf Bottom left: 2245 Andrusz Bottom right: 2266 Kisamore
Tuesday, July 2 View Page
Patch 1 - 7/1
Tuesday, July 2 View Page
Patch 2 - 7/1
Tuesday, July 2 View Page
July 2nd
Wednesday, July 10 View Page
Ep. 13 - July 8th patch tour. https://youtu.be/2IBLuF9zyDk?si=-X5Ud46hptaQEwty
Wednesday, July 17 View Page
Ep. 14 - July 15th Patch Tour https://youtu.be/J3epLj1_C80?si=wTuk9n-R4IYkEaPU
Wednesday, July 17 View Page
From a few days ago. Numbers ain’t great but plants are healthy so head down and keep going. Upper left, 2006 Wolf, DAP40, 520lbs, gaining 40lbs/day. Upper right, 2560 Gienger, DAP27, 244lbs, gaining 33lbs/day. Lower left, 2245 Andrusz, DAP29, 156lbs, 16lbs/day. Lower right, 2266 Kisamore, DAP28, 187lbs, 19lbs/day.
Tuesday, July 23 View Page
Ep. 15 - July 22nd patch tour. https://youtu.be/_C1LsnsnY8A?si=YdttHxT6HIIO6Fj5
Tuesday, July 23 View Page
Plants and pumpkins - July 22nd. Clock wise from the top left. 2560 Gienger (Seymour), 2006 Wolf (Tulip), 2266 Kisamore, 2245 Andrusz.
Thursday, July 25 View Page
2560 Gienger, DAP36, est. 617lbs. Been gaining more than 55lbs a day for the last 3 days. But it’s not without drama…
Thursday, July 25 View Page
I’ve got a kink in the vine that I can’t straighten. I’ve popped roots on the main, rotated the pumpkin, pulled it forward… and i’ve only slightly improved the situation. I’ve considered dead heading the main but i still think I’ll have an angle problem going back upstream on the main.
Thursday, July 25 View Page
View from the other side.
Thursday, July 25 View Page
Some more work attempting to address the kink. Raising the main vine further.
Thursday, July 25 View Page
Some improvement but still a visible kink.
Thursday, July 25 View Page
I don’t have many options left. Based on the way it’s grown I think my only option is to try and get the main even higher off the ground. But I’m out of slack. And I can’t get the pumpkin to go down unfortunately.
Wednesday, July 31 View Page
Ep. 16 - July 30th Patch Tour. Big growth, kinked vine, powder mildew, spider mites, YVD. https://youtu.be/l8vnm8rlGcQ?si=3mRMFTKc0cF95woJ
Wednesday, July 31 View Page
This is a first for me. It goes deep but doesn’t appear to go into the cavity. It’s on the bottom of the stem. Consulted another grower and the advice was no surgery required. Just sulphur powder and a fan which I have done. This is the 2006 Wolf btw.
Wednesday, July 31 View Page
2560 Gienger. DAP43, est. 939lbs. Averaged 48.3 lbs/day for the past 10 days. It’s growing a lot faster than anything I’ve ever experienced. I hope I can keep it together for another couple of months.
Monday, August 5 View Page
2245 Andrusz - Day 49, 661 lbs., avg 25.8 lbs/day for the last 10. Trying to get to 3 weigh off this year totally to 4300lbs. Just need this one to the finish with modest numbers.
Monday, August 5 View Page
2006 Wolf - Day 62, 1088 lbs., avg 25.9 lbs/day for the last 10.
Monday, August 5 View Page
2560 Gienger - Day 48, 1165 lbs., avg 45.8 lbs/day for the last 10.
Monday, August 5 View Page
Ep. 17 - Aug 5th patch tour: big pumpkin growth, stem split, vine growth, 2266 wakes back up and more. https://youtu.be/CXEpBcYjHq0?si=EI5JN1w1AVkM8v0r
Monday, August 5 View Page
Ep. 17 - Aug 5th patch tour. Big gains, stem split, vine growth, 2266 still alive somehow and more. https://youtu.be/CXEpBcYjHq0?si=FpZEj4jZmfygAnfw
Thursday, August 8 View Page
Looks like it’s going to make contact with the blossom. What’s the recommendation here? Should I let it go or cut the blossom tip?
Monday, August 12 View Page
My 2245 has developed 2 stem splits. This one pictured is on the top. There is a smaller one on the bottom. It has grown a bit in the last few days. We don’t get rain this time of year and I turned off my overhead water. Just using g drip now. I am concerned about it tearing further into the pumpkin.
Monday, August 12 View Page
I lost 2 plants/pumpkins to what we suspect was CYVD. Matt D connected me with two universities doing active research on this disease so I am sending them plant samples and insects from the patch. One hypothesis that they will study is whether CYVD can be transmitted by cucumber beetles or not (currently this is not known). They will compare pathogen DNA in the insects and plant. I’ll share results as I get them.
Tuesday, August 13 View Page
2560 Gienger - DAP 56 - 1482 lbs. - 9 weeks to go.
Tuesday, August 13 View Page
2006 Wolf - DAP 70 - 1244 lbs - 7 weeks to go
Tuesday, August 13 View Page
2245 Andrusz - DAP 56 - 808 lbs - 8 weeks to go. Stem splits are getting worse. Surgery planned today. Just need this one for my 3 pumpkin total goal.
Wednesday, August 14 View Page
Ep. 18 - August 12th Patch Tour. The 2560 hits 3/4 ton, stem crack drama on 2245, 2266 plant pulled, university study on Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease. https://youtu.be/PddVc3sqUxA?si=rV4VCnTBJWzNGD9V
Wednesday, August 14 View Page
I lost my 2245 Andrusz. I can see into the pumpkin cavity. Very bummed because I needed this one for my 3 pumpkin 4300lbs goal this year.
Wednesday, August 14 View Page
Maybe I should have done the surgery sooner (thanks Dave C for the guidance) but I think based on what I see this one was doomed regardless. Sad but grateful for what I still have growing.
Thursday, August 22 View Page
2560 Gienger on day 63. Still doing 30s and estimating over 1700 lbs.
Thursday, August 22 View Page
2006 Wolf on day 78. Doing mid teens per day and estimating just under 1400 lbs.
Thursday, August 22 View Page
Starting to make solid contact. Still growing in the 30s with 50 days to go.
Monday, August 26 View Page
This was from 5 days ago. Ep. 19 - Aug 21st patch tour. https://youtu.be/W4KfptYkvBc?si=gAoV0vrH_QdodvOL
Friday, August 30 View Page
My 2245 Andrusz is still growing! Too bad I lost it to a stem split because it’s going to be a deep red orange. This pumpkin would have made earning a growers jacket a lot easier.
Friday, August 30 View Page
I still have pretty good plant health! However, PM is starting build a foothold despite my diverse spraying regime.
Monday, September 2 View Page
As of this morning my 2560 is estimating 2000 lbs! Not words I expected to write this year. And it’s only 76 days old with a good plant and plenty of time left to grow.
Wednesday, September 4 View Page
Ep. 20 - Sep 2nd patch tour, broke 2k!, plant health, still a chance to achieve 4300lbs goal, final 4-6 weeks. https://youtube.com/watch?v=HjjoB_ZPcB4&si=GTlSX2XgPIQool95
Thursday, September 5 View Page
My 2006 Wolf is turning into a fine looking pumpkin. 90 days old and still growing at 9.5lbs a day.
Wednesday, September 11 View Page
This is the gantry I built last year. Worked great, but I only had to lift 1107lbs. Has anyone lifted 2000+ pumpkins with a setup like this?
Friday, September 13 View Page
Does anyone sell this 4 point pumpkin strap or one like it anymore?
Friday, September 13 View Page
This thing just keeps growing!
Monday, September 16 View Page
Sep. 16th patch tour. Good growth on the 2006 and 2560, which weigh off?, composting the 2245, doctoring the 2266, home stretch. https://youtu.be/wxQYodJfEVA?si=JIUcZGiWqi1L7znn


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